Saturday 3 December 2011


The concert was sooooooo fun :DDD But I was sitting quite far back :( the picture says like my seat there is like beside the stage but that was a picture only -.- The real thing was like so far -.- But nvm, can enjoy then can already! :D I went to the stadium at 7.15pm :) It was going to start soon cause it starts at 7.30pm but they for sure start late one la of coz :) So i went in, but i actually brought my camera :D I was planning to take some photos only like SOME only :) So i went in and i was surprise that the guard didn't check my bag so yea..... wtv. :) Oh but before i went in the stadium, i saw some school mates :) Same age with me too. And i just smile at them only cause i don't really know them. Okay, wtv.

So after i went in, i saw some stalls about Seoul stuff and i saw Haechi :D The Seoul mascot :D and i took picture with it :DDD Then there was another stall, it is a game stall, you have to hit that thing and make sure the thing on top won't fall but it's super hard :) So many people played but alot of people can't win cause it's hard then there was a girl won :) SOOOOOOOOO GOOOOOOOOOOD, she won a shirt and a poster :DDD The Seoul T-Shirt and the MO.A poster :) The poster was big! :D Okay, so i played too and it's so hard. :/ Okay, wtv but still, if you play, you still can get some stuff :) Like sticker or magnet or some stuff. So after that is was going to start then my sis and i quickly went to our seats and then it start to drizzle a bit but after that no more already.
So the 1st group that came out was Miss A :DDD They sang 5 songs :) Then it was B1A4 :DDDDDD <3 They sang 4 songs only :( But wtv la, can see them singing then i happy already :DDD I was shouting like crazy and so loud, shout until my voice so painful :) Okay, then after that was f(x) :D They sang 5 songs :D Then after that was Super Junior :D So many people went to the concert cause of Super Junior :D they sang 7 songs yo! :) Okay so after that it finish and all of them came out to say Thank you! :D And then it ends at 9.30pm something. :)

Then after that we went out and there was so many people at the road there waiting for them to come out. And because there was only one way for them to come out so we waited for them to come out! :D And then wait wait wait after that THEY CAME OUT OMGGGGGG!!! :D AND THE BEST PART WAS B1A4 CAME OUT!!!!!!! :DDD and and and they stop their car for a while cause their was people blocking and the 1st person i saw was Jinyoung!!!! :DDDD he waved at so many people and i was like telling my sis OMG OMGOMGOMGOMG THAT IS JINYOUNG!!!! :DDD and then after that CNU, Baro and Gongchan waved at me :DDD and i waved at them too of cause :D And i can see their faces sssooooooooo clear :DDD And Gongchan wind down his window and he kinda put his head out so he waved at me and his face was like sooooooooooooooooooooo beautiful and niceeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee omgggggggggggggggg He is like less than 1 meter infront of me OMGGGGGGGGGGGG  OKAY I AM GOING CRAZY NOW AGAIN :)
Okay okay, so after that it was Miss A's car, and the window some cover already some didn't and Jia wind down her window too and she waved at me too :D and i waved at her too :D She's so prettyyyyyyyyy of coz. Okay, so after that was Super Junior and f(x) i think.... their car was all black, the window was black i mean so can't see inside :/ But wtv, i saw B1A4 AND I AMMMMMMMMMM SOOOOOOOOOOOOO HAPPPPPPPPPPPYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY OMG DBWJQFGEHAGFUYSGBFJSEFG JSARYWEUQRYWUKEUGFUISHFSJVGIXSBVJHSFKWSBEDRUIWQHRFWI

Okay, after that i was walking to my car and guess wat :) I found RM1 on the floor :) hahahahahahahhahaa ok then i was so happy and crazy walking like a crazy girl about the B1A4 thing then i went in the car and i was like OMGOMGOMGOMGOGMOGMG NQUIADGBWEURGFWEUIRGUIQWHFUIQFJWIOAFUOweiohrfuiwhefwuihuk told my mom everything and i keep shaking her chair from the back coz i was crazy happily :)
Okay, going to post some pictures 2moro ok byebye! :D
<3<3<3 Best Day! :) B1A4 <3