Tuesday 4 October 2011

What A Wonderful Day! :D

Today is 5th October already cause the time now is 12.40am. :) Yesterday was 4th October! :D My Birthday! :D I was so Happy! :D I like my presents! :D I appreciate what my family and friends gave me! :D It was so fun yesterday cause i went OU and my friends surprised me....It is not really call surprise but still Thank You So Much! :D I went OU at 12.30pm and i was waiting for my friends so i went to shop around 1st and then i bought my mom's birthday present! :D After that i walk back there and my friend was there already then after that we went the Garden to eat lunch. :) After that all my friends came already and then they say they want to go to the toilet and i know what they are going to do cause it is obvious but still I am Happy! :D Then after for like so long they came back and they surprise me with a cake. :) A slice of cake, i don't mind a slice of cake cause Secret Recipe, if you wanna buy the whole cake, is like RM75 or RM80 so there is only 4 of them so of cause they buy a slice. :D And then my friend scare me and i said OMG! :D Hahahahaha, and then they wish me Happy Birthday and then blablabla. Hahaha, so Happy! :D After we ate lunch, it was like 3pm already, the time pass so fast! :) And then we wanted to watch movie but maybe there won't be like enough time so we didn't watch in the end and then we went shopping! :D And then i spent all my money. -.- Omg, i brought like RM110 and extra money but all spent. Omg. Nvm, save money next time! :D Actually, i didn't really buy so many things. I bought a wallet, sunglasses, a toy and i ate Tutti Frutti and buy mom's present and ate lunch. Ok, actually i shouldn't had ate the expensive pasta cause there was this promotion paper for pastas but i didn't see it so.....hai, nvm. :) Okay then shop shop shop then went home.
Then watch tv then blablabla. Hahaha. Oh yea, and i have to sleep soon cause i have extra class tomorrow, i mean later need to wake up like 5.50am. -.- The extra class is for my KH project thingy thing. So yea.... :)

This was my birthday cake that i celebrated with my family. :)

Oh yea, Today is 5th October! Chunji's Birthday!!!!!!!!!:DDD Chunji is from Teen Top! :D

This is Chunji -
Lengzhai leh? :DDD

I can't really find alot of nice photos of him but still, he is so cute, lengzhai and hot and handsome and nice and when he wink at you, OMG, you will faint? Hahahaha! :D Still, I <3 Him! :DDD 

Okay, gotta sleep soon. Good Night and Byebye! :DDD