Tuesday 24 May 2011

Exam is Over!!!!! Getting ready for HOLIDAYS! :D 24-5-2011 :)

Exam is over today, damn freaking happy! :D Oh, and today recess, omg, fang fang took my wallet and i thought i lost it or i drop it or someone stole it. I was like damn angry and sad, after that i keep looking for it and then i look around and i saw fang fang laughing. I was like maybe she took it but she say she didn't so i was so worried and then i look at her pocket, her pocket was so big like there were two wallets inside then i saw like pink thing then i was like hai, she for sure take one la so i was not so worried then i think again, maybe she didn't take it then i was like sad and i keep hoping that someone will give me back. Then after that we went back to class and i saw my wallet in my desk then i saw fang fang laughing. Then she say she took my wallet and i was like omg my lovely wallet but i knew that she took it cause her pocket was big. Haha, but she prank people very geng.

 But one thing i am sad about is cheer, i have no idea what happen to me. FML is Fuck My Leg. :) Yea, something is wrong with my fucking leg. Fuck You Legs! Okok, lets just hope my legs won't bend or hope my left leg won't have weight when i am on top kay. Omg, seriously i can't do on top but i can do on the floor. Last time i can do and now can't do on stunts, wth.....Oh, and last time i can feel like i am standing on a floor but now i can't, i don't know why. And my basses always bad mood, come on if you angry then i won't be happy and i can't do, i need to be happy then i only can do. Well, i don't feel anyone holding my leg very tight. Hai, but still I must do my own part. Oh ya, and one thing i am scared is when i fall and basses don't catch. That is why i don't want to fall.  I am always like panic, stupid. 

Hai, ok lets just hope everything goes fine and i hope there are more practices. I am training at home like standing on a stool and do my stretches and doing my routine and training my leg muscle and doing push ups. Oh, and when i am showering or before i sleep and when exam time and when i am free, i always train my routine timing. Oh, but today change timing already, i must train more. 

Oh ya, and holidays i want to go for training but my mom keep asking me to go back and see my grandfather, but i don't care, cheer is more important to me. Oh oh, but good thing my dad let me like stay at someone's house so i can go for cheer training. :D But NYD is like 2 more days, omg omg omg. MUST TRAIN MORE. 

Oh holidays after cheer i wanna go shopping! :D Shopping shopping shopping. :D 
But of course cheer is very important to me. Oh, and i hate it when everyone is angry. You think if you are angry then you can do meh, I don't know but what i know is when i am angry i can't do anything cause think too much already and what i know is when i go up, i must leg straight then tense then pull stretches ok. Ok, must remember and i must train more. I <3 cheer so much. :D 

<3<3<3 :D