Friday 21 October 2011

Hello Exam! You Suck! :D

Today is exam day! Boo! Study maths until 1.30am yesterday, i mean practice my maths until 1.30am just morning. :) After that i went to sleep. :D In the morning 5.55am wake up and then brush teeth then blablabla then went to school then talk talk talk with friends then exam. Chinese exam was quite hard and quite easy. Okay okay only la. :) Then recess! Yay! Then eat nasi lemak and eat fruits and then talk talk talk with friends then went back to class late. Teehee! :D Then went in the class already then oh shit, my compass or wtv maths things is in the locker, have to run down to the 1st floor to get my things from my locker and then run up again. Nvm, exercise is good for your body! :D After that maths 2 exam start, when i look in the paper, the first thing that i was thinking is What The.......and then the last page was easy! :D So i started from the last page to the first page, and there was like some tips stuff infront , and the tips are like for nothing. -.- Okay so nvm, i didn't do some questions. Teehee! :D Okay, then blablabla. Oh, and the maths paper was like so hard, but some questions are easy. :) SOME only! :) Others i just simply write some stuff. :)

Okay, after school, Cheer! :D So i went Centre Point to eat then i went Mcdonalds to eat. So many people there! Maybe cause of the voucher thing or wtv. I don't know. Then i ate the quarter pounder with cheese burger! Omg So Nice! :DDD 

Then after eating finish my lunch then blablabla then went to gym. Then cheer practice start! :D Today at cheer was fun! :D I like tumbling cause it's not as tiring as stunts, stunts is so tiring. :) Okay, then after cheer practice went mcdonalds again then i ate milo mcflurry! :D Then blablabla then went home. Omg, rain until so heavy today! It is like so scary! The thunder was so loud and the lighting was so scary! Omg! Okay, and then went home and watch tv and eat dinner then blablabla. Hahaha.
Okay, gtg now. Byebye! :D

Best pictures of the day! :D

This photos are so damn funny, i can't stop laughing! :DDD

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