Wednesday 19 October 2011

Wednesday 19-10-2011

Hi today is Wednesday, Bye! :)

Hahahahahaha, lol. :D
Okay, today is like some day that is normal....Okay, lol. Today almost late for school as usual. :) Then blablabla then talk in class then do some maths paper that teacher asked us to do, :D cause it's easy, i think it's chapter 13 :D I think.....okay nvm. After that i start doing my stuff and blablablabla and then I finished my kh project today! :D

Suppose to pass up today but i not yet draw the project thingy thing so i will pass up tomorrow but i not yet draw! :D Teehee. I think i will draw it tomorrow. :) Okay, and the day after tomorrow is Friday and Friday is exam. -.- Maths 2 and Chinese. Omg! Chinese don't need to study la, must just focus on that thing call Maths. Issh, Hope it's easy. :) Okay, today talk talk talk in class and then i finish my geography project too  today :D 

Oh, and now a days i like Tumblr alot, before this Tumblr was boring to me, but now it's like so fun! :DDD 
Oh, and i made this pictures about Sung Yeol screaming. Hahahaha! X)

I think you have to press this picture then only you can see. :)

Okay, nothing much to say today. Byebye! :D 
Now a days, I Love Infinite alot. :DDD
Infinite <3<3<3 

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