Saturday 3 December 2011


The concert was sooooooo fun :DDD But I was sitting quite far back :( the picture says like my seat there is like beside the stage but that was a picture only -.- The real thing was like so far -.- But nvm, can enjoy then can already! :D I went to the stadium at 7.15pm :) It was going to start soon cause it starts at 7.30pm but they for sure start late one la of coz :) So i went in, but i actually brought my camera :D I was planning to take some photos only like SOME only :) So i went in and i was surprise that the guard didn't check my bag so yea..... wtv. :) Oh but before i went in the stadium, i saw some school mates :) Same age with me too. And i just smile at them only cause i don't really know them. Okay, wtv.

So after i went in, i saw some stalls about Seoul stuff and i saw Haechi :D The Seoul mascot :D and i took picture with it :DDD Then there was another stall, it is a game stall, you have to hit that thing and make sure the thing on top won't fall but it's super hard :) So many people played but alot of people can't win cause it's hard then there was a girl won :) SOOOOOOOOO GOOOOOOOOOOD, she won a shirt and a poster :DDD The Seoul T-Shirt and the MO.A poster :) The poster was big! :D Okay, so i played too and it's so hard. :/ Okay, wtv but still, if you play, you still can get some stuff :) Like sticker or magnet or some stuff. So after that is was going to start then my sis and i quickly went to our seats and then it start to drizzle a bit but after that no more already.
So the 1st group that came out was Miss A :DDD They sang 5 songs :) Then it was B1A4 :DDDDDD <3 They sang 4 songs only :( But wtv la, can see them singing then i happy already :DDD I was shouting like crazy and so loud, shout until my voice so painful :) Okay, then after that was f(x) :D They sang 5 songs :D Then after that was Super Junior :D So many people went to the concert cause of Super Junior :D they sang 7 songs yo! :) Okay so after that it finish and all of them came out to say Thank you! :D And then it ends at 9.30pm something. :)

Then after that we went out and there was so many people at the road there waiting for them to come out. And because there was only one way for them to come out so we waited for them to come out! :D And then wait wait wait after that THEY CAME OUT OMGGGGGG!!! :D AND THE BEST PART WAS B1A4 CAME OUT!!!!!!! :DDD and and and they stop their car for a while cause their was people blocking and the 1st person i saw was Jinyoung!!!! :DDDD he waved at so many people and i was like telling my sis OMG OMGOMGOMGOMG THAT IS JINYOUNG!!!! :DDD and then after that CNU, Baro and Gongchan waved at me :DDD and i waved at them too of cause :D And i can see their faces sssooooooooo clear :DDD And Gongchan wind down his window and he kinda put his head out so he waved at me and his face was like sooooooooooooooooooooo beautiful and niceeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee omgggggggggggggggg He is like less than 1 meter infront of me OMGGGGGGGGGGGG  OKAY I AM GOING CRAZY NOW AGAIN :)
Okay okay, so after that it was Miss A's car, and the window some cover already some didn't and Jia wind down her window too and she waved at me too :D and i waved at her too :D She's so prettyyyyyyyyy of coz. Okay, so after that was Super Junior and f(x) i think.... their car was all black, the window was black i mean so can't see inside :/ But wtv, i saw B1A4 AND I AMMMMMMMMMM SOOOOOOOOOOOOO HAPPPPPPPPPPPYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY OMG DBWJQFGEHAGFUYSGBFJSEFG JSARYWEUQRYWUKEUGFUISHFSJVGIXSBVJHSFKWSBEDRUIWQHRFWI

Okay, after that i was walking to my car and guess wat :) I found RM1 on the floor :) hahahahahahahhahaa ok then i was so happy and crazy walking like a crazy girl about the B1A4 thing then i went in the car and i was like OMGOMGOMGOMGOGMOGMG NQUIADGBWEURGFWEUIRGUIQWHFUIQFJWIOAFUOweiohrfuiwhefwuihuk told my mom everything and i keep shaking her chair from the back coz i was crazy happily :)
Okay, going to post some pictures 2moro ok byebye! :D
<3<3<3 Best Day! :) B1A4 <3

Wednesday 23 November 2011

L-Joe Day! :D

Hello! :D Today is L-Joe's Birthday! :D L-Joe is from Teen Top yo! His real name is Lee Byung Hun :DDD But L-Joe sounds so coooolllllll :D He is so hot, handsome, cute, awesome and many more :) AND HIS HAIR IS AWESOME TOO :DDD Hahahahhaha. :D He's 18 years old now, he's 19 in Korea :D He's a Rascal Rapper in Teen Top! :D AWESOME! :DDD

Happy Birthday L-Joe <3

Tuesday 22 November 2011

DDWW1122 :D

Dongwoo tweeted at his twitter acc! :D He tweeted“I’m not really in tears… With Infinite members and family like this anytime anywhere! Feels lucky thanks to all of you.. guys who i belief in… no one is like you^ I’m healthy and live well, so don’t worry~.~!!! Once again, thank you ㅠㅠ forever together Good love”

He is so cute!!!! And of course the Infinite members is soooo cute!!! :D Especially the managers! So cute!!!!!! :DDD Dongwoo must be very happy, too happy until he cried! XD Omg, i feel so happy for him too!!! :D 

Infinite is so amazingggggggg! :D

INFINITE IS SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO AMAZING! :D They are so hardworking and handsome and awesome and cuteee and so many more things! :D They are so good in dancing of course! :D They should really deserve a reward or something!!! :DDD They are really good!  :D I LOVE THEM SOOOOOOO MUCHHHHHH! :DDD

Look at Sung Yeol and Sunggyu :DDD SO CUTE OMG <3<3<3

Okay, i write this blog because i wanna pose this amazing picture :D Hahahahaha
Oh yea, and 1 more :D

I have sooooooo many pictures of Infinite :DDD I will just put these pictures 1st cause if i put more, i will put all later. Hahahahhaa, cause i have too many pictures of them :D


Jang Dongwoo's Birthday :D

Hellllllllooooooo! :D Today is Tuesday and it's awesome today cause it's Dongwoo's Birthday :DDD <3 He is from Infinite <3 And he is the awesome main rapper and lead dancer! :DDD He is so handsome, hot, cute, awesome, amazing, cool, funny and so many moreee :DDD <3 I Loveeeee the way he laughs! :D It's so funnyyyyy :DDD He's 21 now but in Korea he's 22 years old :DDD Maybe it sounds old but NO, he is still a young boy ok! :D


                              Awesome Dancer! :D

              Him with the 3 little cute puppies!!!!!!! :DDD



Saturday 19 November 2011

MO.A concert :DDD

MO.A concert is coming soon :D And i am goingggggggg :DDDD OMG SO HAPPPPPPPPPYYYY :DDD My sis and i bought the ticket that day :D There is B1A4, Super Junior, Miss A and f(x) :DDD SOOO HAPPPPPPPPPPPPPY CAN SEEEEEEE THEMMMMMMM :DDDDDDDDD

Oh yea, and i took picture with the ticket :D 


Okay, byebye :D 

Holiday Saturday :D

Woke up at 10am then went back to sleep. :) Woke up at 10.30am then went back to sleep. :) Woke up at 10.35am then went back to sleep :) Woke up at 10.45am then went back to sleep, woke up at 10.55am then went back to sleep, woke up at 10.58am then went back to sleep, woke up at 10.59am then went back to sleep and then in the end woke up at 1.30pm :D I keep waking up then oh so sleepy then change the alarm clock time, keep changing and changing :D Hahahahaha. So after that went to brush my teeth and then went downstairs to eat lunch and then watch tv and then went to use the computer :D and then so boring so i went to play with the webcam camera :D

Today is like a boring day. :) But i am sure tomorrow also a boring day. That's why i wanna go out!!!! I wanna go shopping!!!!!!! :DDD Okay, so after that went Tumblr and then blablabla and then eat dinner then use the computer until now :D Hahaha, okay. Byebye :D

OH YEA! :D Yesterday was Friday and it's Jinyoung's Birthday! :D <3<3<3
Jinyoung is from B1A4, he is the awesome leader! :D He is so lengzhai, soooo handsome, hot, cute and soooooooo many more! Too many already! :DDD Hahahahaha :D I Love Him So Muchhhhhhhhh :DDD




Thursday 17 November 2011

Holiday Thursday :D

Woke up in the morning and do the same thing as usual like yesterday :) Today the whether is so hottttttt, and it is so tiring today at cheer practice. Okay, so after my cheer practice, i went Center Point as usual and then i went Subway to buy the chocolate chip cookie as usual and then i went Dusun to buy grapes to eat and then i went Mcdonalds to eat. After that went to my friend's house for a while and then she drop my friends and i at OU and then i went OU and then i meet up with my other friends and then went to eat lunch :D
After eating lunch we went Cha Time and i drank the Roasted Milk Tea or something like that, it was nice! :D and then i went GSC to watch movie with my friends. My friends wanted to watch alot of movies but alot also 18pg and they don't let us watch so after that we wanted to watch Tin Tin :D But the time was so late so cannot watch also and then we wanted to watch Tin Tin 3D but it was so expensive so we didn't watch also . :/ So in the end we watched Happy Feet 2 -.- The movie is ok la, but Stupid -.- The movie is like for small kids. But the baby penguin cute la, and the movie is about teamwork and stuff. :)

So after the movie end, we went and walk around and blablabla and then at 6pm something i went home and then it was jam too. -.- So after that watch tv and then use computer :D Hahaha
Okay, Goodbye :D

Wednesday 16 November 2011

Holiday Wednesday :D

Woke up in the morning then went to brush ma teeth :D Then do the same thing as usual like yesterday. :) Today's whether is so nice! :D It is not hot in the morning at all :D Then we keep practicing and practicing.
So after cheer practice, i went to play at the playground again and then i took some photos on the cool thing that can spin at the playground there :D

Okay, so after that i went Center Point, and then i went Subway to buy the Chocolate chip cookie and then i went Dusun to buy Star fruit juice :D and then i went mcdonalds to eat. :D

After that at 1pm, i went The Curve with my sis :D Then i ate lunch with my sis at Subway :D I love to eat Subway Melt and my sis likes to eat Subway Club :D oh yea, and i saw my friend Julianne at Mcdonalds :D Then i went Cotton On, i wanted to buy this beautiful shirt but when i went there then no more already :( So i bought a bag and a nail polish :D Then i went to buy the MOA ticket with my sis :D I bought the RM253 :D OMG SO HAPPY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But alot of the nice seats no more already :( But nvm, i still took the seat that can still see :D OMG SO HAPPPYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!! :DDDDDDDD


Okay okay, so after that i went Tutti Frutti :D and when i went in the shop, i start getting the ice cream and suddenly they played Hands Up by 2pm and i look at my sis and my sis look at me and then the lady look at us. Hahahaha Lol X) and there was 15% discount but still expensive but nvm. :D 
Then after that i went and walk around and buy some stuff and then i went home and it was so jam. :/ 
So after that reach home already then use the computer :D 
Okay, byebye! :D 

Tuesday 15 November 2011

Holiday Tuesday :D

Today is Tuesday :D Woke up at 6am then the same thing as yesterday, after dropping my sis at her school then i went Centre Point then i bought sandwich from the bakery shop, it was so expensive. :/ Then after that went to the park as usual :)

Today cheer practice is damnnnnnnnnnnnn tiring. It is like super super super tiring. Like starting then must run the whole park 5 rounds, maybe it sounds easy but it's not :) and we can't stop running, if we stop running and walk, punishment :) So after we ran, then start warming up then strength work, then after strength work, then we still have stunt strength work, so tiring. It is like we must do everything 3 sets, and there are 4 stunt groups, 1 stunt group fall, then everyone must redo. So tiringgggggggg, and we can't drink water, we must finish everything then only can drink water. Then at 11am cheer practice finish then i went to play at the Playground and then i took photos :D

                             Yo :D
                            The clouds is so nice :D

             The grass is so green :D
                   The beautiful and awesome playground :D
                       The clouds is so niceeeeee :D
                         Hi :D
                        Hi again :D

                          Hi again :D

Hehehehehe :D
Okay after that i went to Centre Point then i ate Subway chocolate chip cookie :D then i went mcd to eat. At 1pm, went home then eat maggi mee for lunch. Then use the laptop until now :)
Byebye :D
Okay, so after that

Monday 14 November 2011

Hi Monday :D Holiday~

 Today's Monday :D I woke up at 6am today cause of cheer practice at 8am :) So after i drop my sis at her school then i went to mcd to eat breakfast! :D Today is the 1st day of my sister's SPM :) So at 7.45am i went to the park beside Centre Point cause my cheer practice place is there this week :) So i went there and some of my friends were there already and then i went to the playground to play cause it was new and beautiful. :D Last year the playground was like so old, then now so nice, clean and super fun :DDD

After my cheer practice at 11.30am, suppose to end at 11am but it end at 11.30am today, i went Centre Point :D then after that i went home and my lunch was chicken rice :D then i used the computer :D
Okay, nothing much to say. Byebye :D

Wait, i should put a picture :D

                                 Sung Yeol <3
                                 Infinite <3

Thursday 10 November 2011

After tomorrow then it's holiday! :D

Tomorrow is the last day of school :D But i don't really feel like going but nvm, just go. :) Well, i go to school and do nothing. Some times get test paper only la but seriously is very boring and my friends and i just play UNO or Snap or wtv. Oh yea, and speed :) and i play with my friend's blackberry, just go twitter and spam only :)

But today is so fun! :D Cause my friend brought her Iphone 4 and her Monopoly :D Her's is the Monopoly City! :D It is so cool! :D But some pieces are missing :/ But still fun :D I was so happy cause i was so rich :D and i bought alot of district and blocks and wtv and when people land on my district then they must pay me the rent money and the block rent money thingy thing. :) So fun :D

 Oh and before we play the game, we have no idea how to play so i was reading the book :D

So fun!!!!!!!!!!!!! :DDD We played this for the whole day X)

Oh and yesterday we returned the Form 2 textbooks to the school and today we get the Form 3 textbooks :) Well, Form 2 have 17 books but Form 3 only have 13 books, i thought Form 3 have more books :) But some books very thick :/ So i put my Form 3 textbooks in my locker :D Then i bring home my form 2 exercise books to recycle the books or papers or wtv :)

So after school i went home then use the computerrrrrrrr :D Then i played Tetris, i am like so addicted to tetris but always no more energy one. Stupid tetris! :P
Okay, bye! :D

Monday 7 November 2011


Today is Monday and it's a holiday :) So i stay at home and do nothing :) But yesterday was so fun! :D Yesterday was my sister's birthday so we went OU :) So i went there and walk around and buy some stuff and blablabla and then i ate at Chilis :D

 It's like so long never eat Chilis already, last time when i still live in KL, i always eat at Chilis cause it is at Bangsar Village there but after i move then no more already. :( I miss Chilis so much :)

                                            Hi :)

After dinner, we went shopping :D and my mom bought this for me :D 

 and my mom bought for my sis too :)

 and i realize something :) I realize that the 2 girls like to put the finger on the lips or chin X)
 Some how i didn't really ask my mom to buy for me but she just buy it for me and she didn't say anything.  Miracle :) But those staff there keep saying my hair is brownnnnn. Lol -.- They keep saying my hair so nice and i was like Lol :) 
So after that we bought an ice cream cake for my sister then we went home and sing Happy Birthday to her then watch tv then watch movie then blablabla :)
Haha, okay Byebye! :D