Monday 30 May 2011

Wake up so early today.........

Omg, i woke up like so early today like 7am cause i wanna go to the Ikano. :D But need to wake early cause need to drop my sis at school for her cheer practice and then need to drop my bro at his collage and then my mom wanna see the dentist. :) Then after my mom see the dentist then she went to the bank then went to get my sis then we went to Ikano. :D
 We ate lunch at mcdonalds cause my mom want the coke glass thing. :) After we eat then i went to buy Hau Juang and Cynthia's birthday present. :) Then i went shopping shopping shopping walk here walk there until my legs so painful. :)
After that i went to Rock Corner, i saw the Beast Cd's. :) Then i saw the one that i have (Shock Of The New Era), it cause RM36 something. :) I was like wow, like almost RM40 like that. :D And then i went to mcdonalds again to buy ice cream. :D
Haha, nothing to say much today. Sorry. :)
Byebye! :D

Sunday 29 May 2011

A very tired day. :)

Today i was so tired!!! My mom woke me up like 7am something and i slept at 2am something last night. She woke me up cause she ask me to go to that setia cycling thiny, but of course she ask my bro to cycle la. Omg, i was like so so freaking tired!!! I went there already, and then is like blablablabla and then i saw my primary school principal and some yuk chai teachers. And i was like what are they doing here? :/ and then blablabla then those setia people was like giving prizes to those people that donate money to them and 3rd goes to Sri Hartamas school, then 2nd is some don't know what school and 1st was Yuk Chai! :D They donated 5 thousand. :) and my parents was like oh, u see yuk chai so good and blablablabla and i say yuk chai very rich one la. And i was like thinking, so rich, should donate to bu3 also mah. :)

Then, after that my parents took me to Giant and then when we went back there then i saw my bro cycling so fast. And then we went back there, and then eat eat eat.
Then after that there was this stall, it is like for painting rocks. And i went to paint. :) I paint so many and almost all so ugly except for one.

The nicest stone i painted is this

Then after that my mom, bro and me walk home. D: Cause that event thing finish like 11.30am finish already, and my dad wanted to get us at 1pm and he was in Sri Hartamas, KL. So we walk home but i cycle home. :) I was like so tired and sweating.

In the afternoon, i use the computer half way then i fall asleep! :/ Lol.
Oh, and then like 4pm something i woke up and i was like shit, i still need to wash my cheer uniform. Then i went to wash. :) After washing then use computer. :)
ok, nothing to say much about today. :)
Bye! :D

Saturday 28 May 2011

Champion :DDDDDDD

Today is National Youth Day! :DDD We got Champions!!!! :D But actually our timing was off and i did my scorpion  on top for a while only cause i lost my counting but good thing i twist myself after that. :) But other things were good. But i will work harder and do better next time. :D Omg, i was so nervous!!!! At 1st the starting there i was not nervous until when stunt that time Jermaine and Min Jui bang into each other and we lost our counting and i was so nervous, i think i was not smiling. :/ But good thing i didn't fall  from the stunt or not minus marks. :) And tumbling that time, omg i also lost my counting! :/ But good thing everything still look okay and nice. :) oh, and i had this feeling that we will get champion and in the end......we got champion!!! :D

When they were announcing the results, they say 3rd goes to Rayvens then we were like omg omg then they say 2nd goes to Calyx then we were like oh, maybe we won't get anything and then some of us were sad and then when they say 1st goes to Sekolah Mengenah Kebangsaan Bandar then i was like omg! then they say Bandar Utama Damansara 3 then we were like omg so happy! :DDDD
But seriously we must do better next time! :D This is just a small competition, the real real big competition is at July! :D I must work harder!!!! :D  Thank You God for everything. :D

Oh, and they gave prizes too, they gave cd's like Neyo, Tokio Hotel, Ludacris, Nick Jonas, Marie Digby, Utada Hikaru, Beast and more. :D And i took the Beast!!! :D

Haha, i took this photo from facebook! :D

Some photos of Stompers <3

 Number 1
Champion <3

Friday 27 May 2011

Today is Friday.....Tomorrow is Saturday!!!!!!!!!

TOMORROW IS National Youth Day already! OMGOMGOMGOMGOMG! :D

Today went to school LATE AGAIN!!! because it was jam cause it was raining. :) Went in to class and good thing no teacher. :) And then put my bag down and talk with friends and then play Guo Xuan's iphone to play Tap Tap! :DDD And then blablabla then went to koko arena cause there was this Gatorade drink thingy activiti thing and then we got 1 can of drink for free. Then went back to class and play iphone again and then recess, ate ha mee and drink ice lemon tea and eat fruits and eat mentos. :D
After recess, went back to class, then play iphone then teacher ask us want to study or don't want to study and everyone says don't want to study. :) Then went to the library then wrote my nilam then pass up to the teacher then went back to class then talk talk talk talk talk talk talk talk talk talk talk until ringggggg. Yay, getting ready to go for cheer practice :D Then ate roti canai with sugar. :)

Then cheer practice start. :D Practice practice practice, and woohoo, finally can do a nice pike. :) And then practice practice practice. Then after cheer went to centre point mcdonalds and eat eat eat. :) Then Elena and I went to Jermaine's house to sleepover. :D



Thursday 26 May 2011

A very awesome nice day! :D 26-5-2011

Today went to school LATE! Thanks to my mommy and my bro. :) They were doing ham sandwich thing. omg, so long. Then i keep asking my mom to sign the cheer2011 form, and she said "if i have 3 hands then u will be scared". :) and i say no, what for i scared? :) then went in the car and my mom start pili pila pulu pala~ and she start saying this and that and ask me to bring back my maths book from my locker......-__- and i say my bag so heavy, u see got holes already and she blablablablablablabla~ and ok reach to school LATE! Write down my awesome name. :D

Oh, i see my awesome friends, then talk talk talk talk talk talk talk talk talk then er..........blablabla.....OH! and then ah fang and i played tap tap in Guo Xuan's iphone. :) we play party rock anthem yo! :D then i play with lini. then play play play then teacher come already then give test papers. 

Oh, hahahahahaha and then i fall asleep and when the bell rang, everyone is like going out from the class and switch off the lights and fan and i woke up and i was like thinking hey why is everyone going out...then i ask my friend why everyone going out? and she said recess la and i say huh? i was like thinking is this the 2nd recess? i thought recess already just now. And my friends start laughing at me. :) i was like day dreaming~ 
And recess, there was this cat in the canteen, i was like omg. I don't really like cats. And when i was eating my mee half way and then the cat was like under my leg, and i start shouting OMG! and i heard someone at the back of me laughing at me. :) 

After recess, go back to class and then went to kh room. oh oh, and then the teacher was going to give us back our test papers and teacher said everyone fail except 1 person pass, and i was like omg, i fail! :O and then teacher give us back already and then we must mark and then lini say that i for sure pass and i say no, i say maybe is karman or huey ling. And then in the end, teacher said the marks la, and she say i highest in class and i was like what? But actually 40% is pass and she thinks 50% is only pass. omg, lol. so also got people pass la of course. But poor fang fang got 37%, hope teacher will give her pebel marks more. :) Oh, hahaha, and fang fang was like keep asking teacher to give her 3 marks and then i ask teacher to give me 10 marks :) but of course teacher didn't give la. But i was like kena shock, i didn't like know that i will be highest in class. Lol, i last minute study also can get highest in class. :3 but seriously la, 50% not good also. If i get like B, then at least ok la. 

Oh, and then blablablabla then ring! :D Then blablabla then i went to the canteen to eat lunch getting ready to go for cheer practice! :D oh, and then i saw someone. :) But i damn malu when i see that person. Don't know why. :) ok, then eat roti canai then blablablablablablabla. 

Then, cheer practice start. omg! I can do my stretches on stunt today! :D Thank you God! :D I love you! :D Good thing i pray. :D I am so happy! :D oh, but 1 thing very bad is i can't chill when i am on top, i will be like rushing and rushing and so kan cheong! And i need Christy to shout at me "Hazel Chill!" :) when she say that then i only can do. :) but of course i can't depend on her right. :) 
OMG! ONE MORE DAY TO NYD! :D omgomgomgomgomg!!!!!!! 
Must do everything nice 2moro. :) Hope 2moro is a nice beautiful fun awesome day! :D 

OHOHOHOHOHOH, and something happen just now. OMG! :D can't say it out. :X 
Hahahahahaha, LOL! :D Oh, i wanna watch Insidious! Omg, look so scary weih, i watch the trailer half way then i close! omg, i wanna watch the movie! :D 


Wednesday 25 May 2011

Today is a normal day~ :D

Today i thought it's gonna be like a holiday but after that must do exam paper correction. D: But of course my friends and I still talk like pat po. :D hahaha, we talk alot of things everytime. :D But it is fun to keng kai of course. ;D

Er, nothing happen much today.....
oh, today after school i went to ikea, i wanted to eat pasta and then when i went to the restaurant then they say close cause they are doing some halal food thingy. And i was like sad cause i wanna eat pasta. well, i eat that like when i go to ikea for lunch every time. Then my dad ask me wanna eat at mcdonalds and i say no, i am like going mcdonalds everyday. Then he ask me wanna eat laksa then i say YES! :D Then after  i eat then we went to e@curve cause i wanted to go maxis to get a new sim card. Oh, then after that didn't buy new number cause no nice number. But i want my number to start with 0129 then blablabla then i want 8 in my number like 168. :) And of cause i don't want my number to be like 164 or 126 or 12625. OMG, NO WAY! :) 

Oh, and then i went to the temple to pray. :) The chempaka temple, i like that temple. :) Then i pray that stompers will get champion in cheer 2011 and i pray that this Saturday NYD, hope everything goes well and good and everyone will be happy! :D and then i pray hope i can do my stretches on stunt nicely and i pray everthing goes well and good and then i pray that i will get good results. :D 

Ok, then went home then i run upstairs to use the computer! :D then i went down to grab an apple to eat, i love to eat green apples. :) I eat almost like everyday. :D And then i drink orange juice. :) I am like drinking orange juice everyday too. :D  Er, and then blablabla and use computer! :D 

Tuesday 24 May 2011

Exam is Over!!!!! Getting ready for HOLIDAYS! :D 24-5-2011 :)

Exam is over today, damn freaking happy! :D Oh, and today recess, omg, fang fang took my wallet and i thought i lost it or i drop it or someone stole it. I was like damn angry and sad, after that i keep looking for it and then i look around and i saw fang fang laughing. I was like maybe she took it but she say she didn't so i was so worried and then i look at her pocket, her pocket was so big like there were two wallets inside then i saw like pink thing then i was like hai, she for sure take one la so i was not so worried then i think again, maybe she didn't take it then i was like sad and i keep hoping that someone will give me back. Then after that we went back to class and i saw my wallet in my desk then i saw fang fang laughing. Then she say she took my wallet and i was like omg my lovely wallet but i knew that she took it cause her pocket was big. Haha, but she prank people very geng.

 But one thing i am sad about is cheer, i have no idea what happen to me. FML is Fuck My Leg. :) Yea, something is wrong with my fucking leg. Fuck You Legs! Okok, lets just hope my legs won't bend or hope my left leg won't have weight when i am on top kay. Omg, seriously i can't do on top but i can do on the floor. Last time i can do and now can't do on stunts, wth.....Oh, and last time i can feel like i am standing on a floor but now i can't, i don't know why. And my basses always bad mood, come on if you angry then i won't be happy and i can't do, i need to be happy then i only can do. Well, i don't feel anyone holding my leg very tight. Hai, but still I must do my own part. Oh ya, and one thing i am scared is when i fall and basses don't catch. That is why i don't want to fall.  I am always like panic, stupid. 

Hai, ok lets just hope everything goes fine and i hope there are more practices. I am training at home like standing on a stool and do my stretches and doing my routine and training my leg muscle and doing push ups. Oh, and when i am showering or before i sleep and when exam time and when i am free, i always train my routine timing. Oh, but today change timing already, i must train more. 

Oh ya, and holidays i want to go for training but my mom keep asking me to go back and see my grandfather, but i don't care, cheer is more important to me. Oh oh, but good thing my dad let me like stay at someone's house so i can go for cheer training. :D But NYD is like 2 more days, omg omg omg. MUST TRAIN MORE. 

Oh holidays after cheer i wanna go shopping! :D Shopping shopping shopping. :D 
But of course cheer is very important to me. Oh, and i hate it when everyone is angry. You think if you are angry then you can do meh, I don't know but what i know is when i am angry i can't do anything cause think too much already and what i know is when i go up, i must leg straight then tense then pull stretches ok. Ok, must remember and i must train more. I <3 cheer so much. :D 

<3<3<3 :D 

Sunday 22 May 2011

Random pictures i took today. 22-5-2011 :)

I was super bored and then i start taking pictures in facebook. :)

Random....... <3

Hi Blog! ;D

Hi Blog, i have not update my blog for a long long time, cause i am busy about exam and cheer, so sorry! I miss my blog! :D Well, exam is pretty well but sorry cause i cheat some, :) well, everyone cheat before~ don't tell me you didn't cheat before....

I am kinna happy about my cheer routine but what i am worried about is stunts. :/ NYD Competition is next Saturday, hope everything goes well and good!:D and hope we can have more practices next week. :)
This week past so fast, i feel so happy but exam is until next Tuesday. :/
Well, something really really strange happen yesterday, i can't say it out. :) It's a secret....
Holiday is coming so soon! I am so freaking Happy! But one thing i am worried about is Cheer 2011, it is 9th and 10th of July. It is freaking freaking soon and i don't want to skip any practices in holidays but my mom ask me to go back to penang, are you crazy? She says need to go back and visit my grandfather, i want to go back but i want to go for cheer practice. But what i really want is to go for cheer practice, i don't want to skip!
Oh, and i need to cut my hair before NYD competition, i must cut like shoulder length. My hair take so long to grow and now need to cut. :( but i don't care, i must cut for CHEER! :D

Oh oh, and i have this very bad habbit, i don't know why i have it but i have it since std4 or 5, this habbit is bad, it's like when people like korean songs, i will have this feeling like very jealous. I don't know why but i keep thinking there is so many people in this world like korean songs, is not me only so just stop it. Yea, i keep thinking of this. It is korean songs only wat, it is not like very important. I love korean songs and english songs ok. :)

I have this best friend call Lini, she is my best friend since std5. :) I have been same class with her since std5. :) I still remember when i was std3, i saw her and i want to make friends with her, she was so pretty. :D Ok well, alot of people don't really like her, i feel sad for her but some times i don't really like her when she got attitude problem but i will be thinking i know her for so long and she is my best friend so of course i can't just stop being friends with her right. Actually she is very good, she is nice and sweet too but some times when she get angry, it is very scary. She take pictures until very nice and she is very creative in this kind of stuff. Well, she likes korean songs too since last year, some times she will be singing and some times i will be happy but some times i will be jealous too and i really hate this habbit, i will be thinking in my mind she like korean songs too ok, so many people like korean songs too so just shut up ok. Oh, and of course some times i have attitude problem too. I don't know why. Oh, and she knows alot of stuff about korean things cause she got astro and she very free to read the news and blablabla. Well, i am not free everytime. Well, some times when she make me angry i will be like hating her but i must think again, she is my best friend, we always share secrets too. And when she is angry, i will be trying to make her happy and then when she happy then i also happy. Alot of people ask me "why you still friend her? I thought you hate her?" and i will be thinking i have been friends with her so long i can't just all a sudden stop being friends with her and she lives so close to my house, she is like my neighbour but just different guard house. And I realize last time we always fight and argue but after that we will be back again, everytime also like that. And i can say she change alot, last time when i tell her secrets, she will tell other people but now she won't tell other people. :) Hai, i don't know la, what i know is she is my best friend forever until we grow big la. Ok ok. :D haha, hope she won't see this. :) Oh. and what i know is I have 2 best friends, well alot of best friends la. My best friend is Ah Fang, i really like her name. :) She is a very good best friend, she keep secrets and she is very good to everyone. We didn't like fight before but i love her so much. :) I love Julianne Fang Zhi Ji and Teresa Wu Lini. :D They are my close best friends, even if we fight or wtv, they will still be my best friends.
